MailSurvey (a survey received by mail)
Michelson & Associates, Inc. MailSurvey projects can be organized and completed within a short time frame. From questionnaire design to data tabulation, our turnaround on MailSurvey projects is usually less than 45 days. We have the flexibility to construct a MailSurvey to meet even the most demanding clients project needs.
MailSurveys involve respondents completing a written questionnaire which are returned postage-paid back to our office. MailSurveys are excellent for gathering large samples from specific populations such as customers or prospects. In addition to gathering information, the MailSurvey can communicate various messages including: introducing new products and services or informing consumers that the company behind the survey cares about them.
MailSurveys are extremely flexible. They can be tailored to meet most any survey requirement. They are often distributed to respondents by mail, stuffed in billing statements, from counter tops or handed out in person.
Michelson & Associates, Inc. can assist clients with MailSurvey projects from start to finish, including questionnaire development, printing, list procurement, postage, data entry/analysis and reporting.
The most frequent applications of the MailSurvey are:
Measuring customer satisfaction with company, services and products. |
Determining competitive strengths and weaknesses. |
Determining preferences among competitors and products. |
Analyzing customer/prospect preferences among competitors and products. |
Evaluating opinions of large populations while communicating messages. |
The cost of a typical MailSurvey project include:
MailSurveys can be conducted anywhere in the USA for less than $3 per returned questionnaire (minimum of $1,000). This investment covers
Consultation |
Questionnaire design |
Sample construction |
Data tabulation |
Graphic presentation of all data |
Analysis |
Written and verbal presentation of results with specific marketing recommendations |
This estimate does not include printing and postage charges, which will vary based on project scope.
For a Specific Quote On a MailSurvey For Your Company, Please Click Here
Michelson & Associates, Inc.
SiteSurvey Services
For a quote on a customized MailSurvey program,
call Mark Michelson @ 516-576-1188
or e-mail: solutions@serviceevaluation.com.
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Michelson & Associates, Inc.
C/O Service Evaluation Concepts, 210 Crossways Park Drive
Woodbury, NY 11797
V: 516-576-1188
F: 516-450-3466
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