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Internet Surveys (web based customer surveys)

Micheslon & Associates Inc. Internet Surveys help customers gain valuable web based information, measuring performance and customer satisfaction.

With the explosion of the Internet today, Internet Surveys are a highly effective way to reach consumers on line.

Internet Surveys are useful for:

Developing questions
Understanding key metrics & statistics
Performing practical analysis
Increasing response rates

There are several benefits of performing research on line:

Less expensive
Broader reach
Automated reporting
Wider range of options for collecting data

There are also limitations of on-line research:

Difficult to target customers
Logic controls
No true face to face interaction

Internet Surveys can be used to track both Satisfaction & Performance Research.

Tracking Satisfaction:

Customers & Employees
Identify and measure key experience factors
Measure factors that can be changed
Relative to expectations

Tracking Performance:

Operational in nature
Employee performance
Systems performance

There are seven main types of Internet Surveys:

Email (text)
Bulletin Boards
Web HTML – Flat Form
Web Fixed – Form Interactive
Web Customized Interactive
Downloadable Surveys
Web-Moderated Interviewing

The pros and cons of using different Internet Survey Methods—Which works best for you?

1. Email (text)

The first internet research method
It’s easy, similar to paper and pencil surveys
No logic testing (Screening only, no if-them logic, limited auto entry)
Best for internal surveys
20 questions limit
Low rate of future interest (boring format)

2. Bulletin Boards

Modified Delphi Method (collected over time, allows for build on topic)
Function like a slow motion focus group
Thread is visible to all participants
No automated analysis – all open ended
Best for customer panels

3. Web HTML Surveys

Flat HTML form is most common
Participants click buttons and boxes, fill in text, then submit form
Graphics, audio and video clips, animation can be used
Analysis requires CGI scripting (new software will automate analysis)
No interactive logic controls

4. Web Fixed-Form Interactive

Based on 3rd party survey authoring tools (CATI, DBM – allows for logic controls)
Plays questions on the web the same way as an interviewer
Limits the range of options in which a survey can be displayed
Few tools allow for self hosting (those that do are expensive)

5. Web Customized Interactive

Most powerful and flexible option
Involves highly skilled programmers
Provides all modern technical controls (screening, skip patterns, logic, error checking)
Flexibility in layout is the main benefit (aesthetics fits within frames , dynamic and descriptive navigation pop-up messages)
Almost always done on in-house server

6. Downloadable Surveys

Requires previously installed software
Survey form is downloaded to respondent
Allows for survey to be completed off-line
Best for sophisticated respondents (Panels or pre-recruits
Expansive and time-intensive

7. Web- Moderated Interviewing

Good for chat interviews and other discussion formats (like a focus group)
Logic and control provided by skilled moderator
Best for bringing together geographically displaced participants
Participants must be qualified, pre-recruited and motivated

How To Develop Internet Questions:

Study your objectives
What are you trying to find out/accomplish?

Which type of Q&A will work best for you?

Binary responses (yes/no)

These are easy to analyze.
Make sure you ask only one question
Question should be neutral, not leading
Offer neither N/A or undecided
Best when followed by "Why?"

Likert scales (from 1-5)

Best for measuring satisfaction
Allows determination of how hot or how cold
Scales could force polarity or allow for neutral
Easy to tabulate by average /mean distribution

Multiple response

Which areas would you most like to see improved?
More difficult to tabulate than single response questions
Percent base will be higher than sample
Cannot be represented in a pie chart


Allows respondents to mention anything not covered in survey
How else may we better serve you in the future?
Also allows for "other" specifics in multiple response
Most difficult to analyze (code according to most frequent responses

Make Sure You Understand Key Metrics & Statistics:

Metrics are numbers used to indicate satisfaction/performance
Baseline metrics define current status
Trend metrics define changes over time
Key metrics need to be easy to grasp
Overall satisfaction = 82% very satisfied
Indexes are commonly used to compare multi-location performance
Random sampling is the key (every 7th respondent)
Basic rules of sample size confidence
    100 = 90% +/- 5
    400 = 95% +/- 5
    1,024 +/- = 98% +/- 3
Awareness of segment samples

The Keys To Practical Analysis:

Keep things simple
Try to automate analysis and reporting
Decide on a metric and stick to it
Test metrics and wording before implementation
Changing wording of questions changes results – stay with original wording for trend analysis
Develop a baseline metric be conducting the survey with a strong sample the first time (over sample if needed)
Focus on simple statistics (ave. frequency, percentages
Data mining can be done later for more specific analysis
Report on total sample (segment at own risk)

How To Increase Response Rates:

What’s in it for respondents?
Is your topic interesting?
Make it easy for participation
Use monetary incentives (drawings, cash)
Information/access incentives
Multi-media recruiting
Email, banner, pop-up invitations
Fax, voicemail, letters, invoice memos

Some Final Words of Wisdom On Internet Surveys:

Make sure you understand your main objectives
Know your audience
Make your survey fun/interesting
Keep questions relevant
Keep it simple
Outsource data collection/reporting

Effective On-line Mystery Shopping:

Measure service performance
Pose as a real customer
Make inquiries or place orders
Capture customer experience based on pre-determined criteria
Let employees know it will occur
Let employees know what’s being measured

The cost of a typical NetSurvey project include:

Questionnaire design
Participants Incentives
Sample construction
Data tabulation
Graphic presentation of all data
Written and verbal presentation of results with specific marketing recommendations

For a Specific Quote On a NetSurvey For Your Company, Please Click Here

Michelson & Associates, Inc.
SiteSurvey Services
For a quote on a customized InternetSurvey study,
call Mark Michelson @ 516-576-1188
or e-mail:

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Michelson & Associates, Inc.
C/O Service Evaluation Concepts, 210 Crossways Park Drive
Woodbury, NY 11797
V: 516-576-1188
F: 516-450-3466

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